時間: 2012年12月09日(日) 18:00~20:00
地點:睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe (台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號)
The global short film festival Future Shorts is coming to Taipei for the fourth time this year, the Autumn season with 5 new short films
* Coffee Regular, Cairo * from Egypt
* A Brief History of John Baldessari * from the US
* Rite * from the UK
* The Black Balloon * from the US
* On the Line * from Germany
For the first time, we will have both English and Chinese subtitles!
6-8pm one screening, first come first served
If enough people come, then a second screening of the same films from 8-10pm for those who couldn't fit in the first time.
Film list and more info: https://fstaipei.wordpress.com/2012/10/01/get-your-sweaters-autumn-season/
「未來短片影展」Future Shorts Festival源起於英國,自2003年創辦至今,是目前規模最大且即地播放的短片電影節。它打破了地域和傳統的播放界限,即地播放的影展模式,為世界各地的觀眾放映來自四面八方最優秀的電影短片,至今已超過三十個國家、六十的城市參與「未來短片影展」的播放,放映的地點含括電影院、劇場、美術館、咖啡廳…「未來短片影展」創造了全新影片體驗方式,讓「電影院」不僅僅是電影院,更是人們交流的社區。
The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest pop up film festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short films from around the world. Anyone, anywhere can set up a screening and be part of a massive screening network and a powerful global community.
Future Shorts breaks boundaries, borders and conventions to connect a global audience to the world’s best short films. The creators of the acclaimed Secret Cinema, Future Shorts have redefined the way we experience film. The festival is a true celebration of cinema as a communicator and community.
Coffee Regular, Cairo
Egypt, 2012, 11 minutes
A young couple find themselves speaking about things they have never spoken about before. In a city where the old and new meet, with the potential for anything to happen, they try to find their own place in a changing and uncertain world. Winner of Special Jury Mention at Tribeca Film Festival.
導演: Ritesh Batra
埃及- 2012
11 分鐘
一對年輕的情侶突然發現他們講出一些他們從沒想過從沒聽過的事情。 在一座新與舊相遇的城市裡,好像任何事都有可能發生,而他們嘗試在這個正在改變並一切都看似充滿不確定性的城市裡,找到屬於自己的地方。
<本片為 Tribeca Film Festival 評審特別獎>
A Brief History of John Baldessari
USA, 2012, 6 minutes
From the directors of CATFISH and PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3, A Brief History of John Baldessari tells us everything we do and don’t need to know about this American conceptual artist. Many know Baldessari as “the guy who puts dots on people’s faces.” But did you know that he is 6’7″ and that his wifi password is 123456789B? An epic career is crammed into 5 and a half frenzied minutes. Narrated by Tom Waits.
導演: Ariel Schulman & Henry Joost
美國- 2012
6 分鐘
來自 的導演, 本片講述關於70年代美國敘事性藝術最具代表性的藝術家之一,約翰-巴爾特沙希的一切,我們需要與不需要知道的事情。很多人知道巴爾特沙希是那個 "會在人們臉上畫點點的人" 但是你知道他身高六呎七而且他的Wifi密碼是123456789B?嘛? 一個史詩般的職業生涯塞進五和半瘋狂分鐘。
<由 Tom Waits 講述>
UK, 2010, 14 minutes
Mike visits his estranged son on his birthday, wanting to take him out and rebuild a damaged relationship. But drink and the simmering violence from match day in London taints the occasion, resulting in a strained afternoon for both father and son. Pearce has been named one of the ’Stars of Tomorrow’ by Screen International, and Rite was nominated for Best Short Film at BAFTA Scotland.
導演: Michael Pearce
英國- 2010
14 分鐘
Mike 在他生日當天去拜訪與他生疏的兒子,想帶他出去並重建彼此間受損的關係。但卻在倫敦的足球比賽中,從酗酒和暗流湧動的暴力氣氛中渡過了父子倆氣氛緊張的一下午。
導演Pearce 被Screen International雜誌稱做"明日之星",Rite則被 英格蘭BAFTA 提名最佳短片。
The Black Balloon
USA, 2012, 18 minutes
Winner of Sundance’s Short Filmmaking Award, the Safdie brothers bring a film intended for children, morphed into a sci-fi urban fable. Black Balloon explores New York and the complicated lives of individuals and their daily experiences from the heights of a stray balloon.
導演: Ben Safdie & Joshua Safdie
美國- 2012
18 分鐘
導演Safdie 兄弟帶來一部看似給兒童觀賞,卻逐漸演變成一部科幻都市寓言。Black Balloon用一顆流浪氣球的角度探索了紐約市及住在紐約裡複雜的個體, 和每個人不同的日常生活經驗。
<本片榮獲"日舞影展 " 最佳短片製作獎">
On the Line
Germany, 2007, 30 minutes
A story about love, voyeurism and guilt. A department store security guard watches a clerk in the store’s bookshop on CCTV and falls for her. After he witnesses, and ignores, a supposed love rival being attacked on a train, guilt begins to destroy his once ordered life. On the Line has won over 50 International awards.
導演: Reto Caffi
德國- 2007
30 分鐘
這是一個有關愛,偷窺狂和罪的故事。一個百貨公司的保全人員透過監視器的觀看,漸漸愛上了一個書店店員。而在他目睹, 漠視他的愛情假想敵遇襲後,他原本規律的生活逐漸被內疚侵蝕。
協辦單位:睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe