


時間:2013年2月23日(六) 20:00~21:30

地點:睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe (台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號 B1)





快快邀請你的朋友一同參加吧 :D


Special event!

Watch a selection of Future Shorts films from other season and from elsewhere, before the Winter Season event.

♣ ♣ ♣ FREE ENTRY! ♣ ♣ ♣
~~ No subtitles for English films / English subtitles for the rest. They are great either way. ~~




未來短片X台北 Future Shorts Taipei:



「未來短片影展」Future Shorts Festival源起於英國,自2003年創辦至今,是目前規模最大且即地播放的短片電影節。它打破了地域和傳統的播放界限,即地播放的影展模式,為世界各地的觀眾放映來自四面八方最優秀的電影短片,至今已超過三十個國家、六十的城市參與「未來短片影展」的播放,放映的地點含括電影院、劇場、美術館、咖啡廳…「未來短片影展」創造了全新影片體驗方式,讓「電影院」不僅僅是電影院,更是人們交流的社區。

The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest pop up film festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short films from around the world. Anyone, anywhere can set up a screening and be part of a massive screening network and a powerful global community.

Future Shorts breaks boundaries, borders and conventions to connect a global audience to the world’s best short films. The creators of the acclaimed Secret Cinema, Future Shorts have redefined the way we experience film. The festival is a true celebration of cinema as a communicator and community.




⋯⋯ 導演- Terri Timley / 美國 / 2009

== Synesthesia ==
Dir. Terri Timley / USA / 2009
Suspend your disbelief in this alternate universe of food inspired sound creations and the best newspaper turkey ever to be roasted

Radio Amina
導演- Orlando Von Einsiedel / 英國 / 2011
Radio Amina 講述了一個12歲的女孩名叫 Amina Dibir,
她和多數當地女孩一樣, 在尼日利亞的卡諾市當著'街頭小販.
她透過她想像中主持的廣播節目 把她想說的,希望能發生在現實裡的那些心願都告訴了觀眾.

== Radio Amina ==
Dir: Orlando Von Einsiedel / UK / 2011
Radio Amina tells the story of Amina Dibir, a 12 year old street hawker from Kano, Nigeria and her imaginary radio show where she gets to say all of the things she wishes she could in real life.

Celia and Sunrise
導演- Antoni Sendra / 西班牙 / 2012
當兩艘大貨輪在只距離海灘100英尺的地方擱淺了, 會發生什麼事情呢?
== Celia and Sunrise ==
Dir: Antoni Sendra / Spain / 2012
The story of two cargo ships stranded 100 feet from the beach.

導演- Kate Barker-Froyland & Andres Rosende / 美國 / 2009
從第一個吻, 到最後的分手. Snapshots 藉由鏡頭在紐約街頭遊蕩, 展現了大城市裡的一天.

== Snapshots ==
Dir: Kate Barker-Froyland & Andres Rosende / US / 2009
From the first kiss to breaking up, Snapshots unfolds over the course of one day, moving around the neighbourhoods of New York City

Life and Stuff
導演- Kumar Satkunarasa / 英國 / 2011

== Life and Stuff ==
Dir: Kumar Satkunarasa / UK / 2011
A guide on life...and stuff in 5 quick minutes...

Ex Nihilo
導演-Sophie Rautenbach / 英國 / 2012
在這部影片中,平凡的微小時刻轉化為陌生和未知的東西。玉米粉變成了非牛頓流體(不受地心引力控制而是受濕度,壓力等等影響的流動物質),油中的氣泡表明細胞的分裂,而大塊的冰被轉化為平靜地漂浮在太空中的氣體巨行星。 “Ex Nihilo”是一個拉丁短語,意思是“無中生有" ,經常出現在結合的理念,創造出什麼”。這部影片是根據物理學家勞倫斯·克勞斯一個小時的演講提到在量子力學和宇宙學的新發現,以及為什麼宇宙是可以從虛無中誕生這件事情是可能的。

== Ex Nihilo ==
Dir: Sophie Rautenbach / UK / 2012
In this film, small mundane moments are transformed into something strange and unknown.  'Ex nihilo' is a Latin phrase meaning 'out of nothing', often appearing in conjunction with the concept of 'creation out of nothing'.

Matter Fisher
導演- David Prosser / 英國 / 2010
Produced at Royal College of Art

== Matter Fisher ==
Dir: David Prosser / UK / 2010
A serendipitous journey in which a lone fisher is united with a form of estranged matter.

導演- Kaveh Tehrani / 挪威 / 2010

== 1994 ==
Dir: Kaveh Tehrani / Norway / 2010
An Iranian family comes to Norway and Lillehammer during the early 90s. The family is welcomed with open arms by a population preparing for the '94 Winter Olympics. But once the games end and the city turns back to its old self, people are no longer as friendly as they seemed.
Cock Fight
導演- Sigalit Liphshitz / 以色列 / 1999
在一個炎熱的夏天,以色列的養雞的農場主,和他的羅馬尼亞工人把他的雞運送到市場。在經過巴勒斯坦時,指揮官讓路障擋住了他們。 Marziano,那位養雞的農場主,為了要通過,不得不面對指揮官 ---剛剛好就是Marziano雞舍以前的工人。

== Cock Fight ==
Dir: Sigalit Liphshitz / 1999 / Israel
On a hot summer day, an Israeli chicken breeder, accompanied by his Romanian worker is driving his Chickens to the market. Upon arriving at a Palestinian road-block, they are brought to a halt.



協辦單位:睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe



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    睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe

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