未來短片影展Future Shorts Festival ((2012 夏季))
放映時間:2012 / 07/ 14 (六) ※七部影片連映,僅英文字幕。
18:00 ~ 20:00pm---Screening 1
20:00 ~ 22:00pm---Screening 2
放映地點:lnsomnia Café 睡不著咖啡館 (台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號)
(02)2364-0002 歡迎來電洽詢相關事宜
關於入場:本次播放兩場,每場人數限制40人 (依抵達現場之先後順序決定入場資格,欲參加的朋友請早點到場排隊,以免向隅。)
「未來短片影展」Future Shorts Festival源起於英國,自2003年創辦至今,是目前規模最大且即地播放的短片電影節。它打破了地域和傳統的播放界限,即地播放的影展模式,為世界各地的觀眾放映來自四面八方最優秀的電影短片,至今已超過三十個國家、六十的城市參與「未來短片影展」的播放,放映的地點含括電影院、劇場、美術館、咖啡廳…「未來短片影展」創造了全新影片體驗方式,讓「電影院」不僅僅是電影院,更是人們交流的社區。
The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest pop up film festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short films from around the world. Anyone, anywhere can set up a screening and be part of a massive screening network and a powerful global community.
Future Shorts breaks boundaries, borders and conventions to connect a global audience to the world’s best short films. The creators of the acclaimed Secret Cinema, Future Shorts have redefined the way we experience film. The festival is a true celebration of cinema as a communicator and community.
《A Morning Stroll》 2012│7min│England│Grant Orchard
由多次贏得BAFTA大獎的Studio AKA製作,他們也製作了前期在未來影展大受歡迎的短片《Jojo in the Stars. Grant Orchards》。
這次的《A Morning Stroll》故事發生在一個紐約客(在紐約住很久,對紐約很了解的人) 與一隻雞之間。故事中把一百年分成三個故事來闡述。而這部極其成功的動畫短片不但贏得了 BAFTA大獎,Sundance Film Festival 的評審特別獎,甚至還曾被奧斯卡提名為最佳短片。
Created by Studio AKA, the multi-BAFTA winning company behind Future Shorts favourite Jojo in the Stars, Grant Orchard’s A Morning Stroll is the story of an encounter between a New Yorker and a chicken. Told over three acts spanning over 100 years, this incredibly successful animated short has already won a BAFTA and a Jury Award at Sundance and was nominated for a Short Animated Film Oscar.
《Guest》 2011│20min│South Korea│Ga Eun-Yoon
本片贏得在法國Clermont -Ferrand舉辦的International Grand Prix大獎。
A teenager angry at her father’s affair barges into his mistress’ house to find her two little kids. Winner of the 2012 International Grand Prix at Clermont -Ferrand, Guest is a beautifully acted coming-of-age portrayal of emotions from Korean National University of Arts’ film program.
《Notes on Biology》 2011│6min│United States│Will Madden
本片為一部逐格動畫,在SXSW贏得最佳影片大獎。Ornana Films 用了十分巧妙的手法把一位學生在上生物課時候的思路呈現給觀眾。
A stop motion animation, Notes on Biology was the winner of Best Short at SXSW. This very clever short film brought to us by Ornana Films follows a student’s imagination during a Biology class.
《We’ll Become Oil》 2011│6min│Romania│ Mihai Grecu
做為Tampere Film Festiva的贏家,這部實驗性的紀錄片的靈感來自墨西哥灣石油洩漏事故如何影響當地的地理環境。
A winner at Tampere Film Festival, this experimental documentary inspired by the Golf of Mexico oil spill describes the effect of conflict in geographical spaces.
《Street Vendor Cinema》 2011│15min│Brazil│Clarissa Knoll
An itinerary producer sells production filmmaking on demand in the busiest shopping street of Brazil. The outcome is an extraordinary mix of genres, from a samurai epic to a family melodrama, all born out of popular fantasy shaped amid the market’s chaos.
《Tumult》 2011│13min│United Kingdom│John Barrington
A tribe of norse warriors traipses across a barren land after battle. Their dying chief is about to hand over power to his son when an army of a completely different kind descends upon them.
《Firework》 2011│11min│United States│Victor Hugo Duran
Growing up in Los Angeles, the fourth of July was always about fireworks. Against the holiday backdrop in South L.A., Fireworks is a coming-of-age story of two adolescent boys on a quest to impress a group of girls.
Bonus Film for Sanderson and St. Martins Lane Hotels
《Je T’Aime John Wayne》 2000│10min│England│Toby MacDonald
由 Toby MacDonald初次執導以及 Luke Morris製作的影片在全世界都受到熱烈回響。
在BAFTA被提名並且贏得了2001 European Film Award 最佳短片獎。
用35釐米黑白膠卷拍攝,由克里斯馬歇爾Kris Marshall (愛是你,愛是我 / 關鍵時刻) 以及卡米拉•拉瑟福德Camilla Rutherford (大吉嶺有限公司/ 高斯福大宅謀殺案) 主演。
In London, a young man fancies himself Jean Paul Belmondo. His flat is decorated with movie posters, he mutters in French, smokes cigarettes, dresses as if he's in '60's Paris. His mother calls - to her he's Trevor - and reminds him to pick up his younger sister, Minne. He meets up with her; she's accompanied by Tim, a friend. Trevor takes them to a French film. On the way out, he overhears a couple talking. She likes the film, her date doesn't. In character, Trevor punches out the guy. The young woman runs off and Trevor chases her. Has Trevor as Belmondo already pictured this scene?
協辦單位:Insomnia café 睡不著咖啡館