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未來短片影展Future Shorts Festival ((2012 春季))

放映時間:2012 / 04/ 28 (六) 七部影片連映,僅英文字幕。(內含限制級影片,未滿18歲不宜觀賞。)
      19:00 ~ 20:00pm DJ to set the tone (no.44 Lab DJ:成文)
      20:00 ~ 21:30pm Film Screening 
      21:30-.... Some more music and stick around to chat!

放映地點: lnsomnia Café 睡不著咖啡館 (台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號)

     人數限制---40人 (依抵達現場之先後順序決定入場資格,欲參加的朋友請早點到場排隊,以免向隅。)


豪華場---2012.05.27 Sun. 台大力學研究所會議廳


「未來短片影展」Future Shorts Festival源起於英國,自2003年創辦至今,是目前規模最大且即地播放的短片電影節。它打破了地域和傳統的播放界限,即地播放的影展模式,為世界各地的觀眾放映來自四面八方最優秀的電影短片,至今已超過三十個國家、六十的城市參與「未來短片影展」的播放,放映的地點含括電影院、劇場、美術館、咖啡廳…「未來短片影展」創造了全新影片體驗方式,讓「電影院」不僅僅是電影院,更是人們交流的社區。 

The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest pop up film festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short films from around the world. Anyone, anywhere can set up a screening and be part of a massive screening network and a powerful global community.

Future Shorts breaks boundaries, borders and conventions to connect a global audience to the world’s best short films. The creators of the acclaimed Secret Cinema, Future Shorts have redefined the way we experience film. The festival is a true celebration of cinema as a communicator and community.


《Bear》 2011│11min│Australia│Nash Edgerton
Nash Edgerton’s follow up to SPIDER, BEAR, will premiere in competition at the 64th Cannes International Film Festival.

Jack has a new girlfriend, but hasn’t quite learnt his lesson…


《Quadrangle》 2010│20min│USA│Amy Grappell
 "Quadrangle" premiered at Sundance (2010) winning an honorable mention jury prize, and won both Best Documentary Short and the Wholphin Best Short Film award at SXSW (2010).

QUADRANGLE is an unconventional documentary about two "conventional" couples that swapped partners and lived in a group marriage in the early 1970s. Coming out of the era of free love, and struggling with the monotony of marriage and suburban life, my parents, Deanna and Paul, began swapping partners with another middle class married couple. This four-way affair became a kind of domestic living experiment when the two couples moved into one home, along with their children. While their individual  marriages were failing, they found that together they were happy and thought they had discovered an alternative to divorce - a brave new world that would pave the way for how couples would live in the future. Instead it unraveled. Both couples divorced and  married their foursome partners, but they could never truly separate because they were bound by the children they shared.


《Venus》 2012│8min│Denmark│Tor Fruergaard
Venus won an oscar qualifying award at Slamdance in Park City, Utah.
The film been in the official selection at Annecy Animation Festival, Los Angeles Film Festival, Chicago Film Festival, Slamdance and many others. It has won the talent price at Odense International Film Festival, The Oscar qualifying Grand Jury Sparky Award for Animation at Slamdance and had a great review in the Danish film magazine Ekko.

Caroline and Rasmus are in a mess. They have not had sex for four months. To Caroline’s great dismay Rasmus believes the answer is to be found at the local swingers’ club, and Caroline reluctantly agrees to go with him to the club in an attempt to save their relationship.
Venus is an erotic comedy about rediscovering one another and finding the spark where you least expect it.

Clip from Venus from Tor Fruergaard on Vimeo.


The Arm_filmstill_Miles Heizer_02  
《The Arm》 2012│9min│USA│Brie Larson, Sarah Ramos, Jessie Ennis

To keep up with social pressure in a technologically advanced world, Chance starts a texting relationship with Genevieve—a girl he meets at a yogurt shop. But tragedy forces Chance to realize that he was never in a relationship at all.


Mourir Auprès De Toi  
《Mourir Auprès De Toi》(To Die By Your Side) 2011│6min│France│Spike Jonze & Simon Cahn
TIME Magazine has named “Mourir Auprès de Toi (To Die By Your Side) as the most creative video of 2011.

The animated video explores the nocturnal activities of book cover characters in Parisian bookstore Shakespeare and Company. Embroidery and felt are used to portray characters such as Mina Harker from Dracula, a skeleton from the cover of MacBeth, and a whale from Moby Dick.


《Love You More》 2007│15min│United Kingdom│Sam Taylor Wood

Two teenagers are drawn together by the Buzzcocks' single 'Love You More' during the summer of 1978.

Love You More preview from Matt Cooper on Vimeo.


《L'Homme Sans Tete》 2003│18min│France│Juan Solanas

Une chambre mansardée ouvrant sur un vaste paysage industriel. Au loin, la mer à perte de vue. Quelques pas de danse sur une mélodie teintée de nostalgie. Un noeud papillon que l'on noue.

Dans une photo encadrée, le regard brillant de celle qu'il aime. L'homme sans tête se prépare pour son rendez-vous galant. Ce soir, il va déclarer son amour. Pour cela, il a décidé de s'acheter une tête.


Solanas - L'homme sans tête 发布人 Morpheus51100



協辦單位:Insomnia café 睡不著咖啡館


    創作者 Insomnia Cafe 的頭像
    Insomnia Cafe

    睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe

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