未來短片影展Future Shorts Festival
放映時間:2012 / 01/ 16 (一)
PM: 08:00 ~ 09:30 (六支短片連映,僅英文字幕)
放映地點: lnsomnia Café 睡不著咖啡館 (台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號)
註:有興趣參加的朋友請點入以下連結按"加入"好讓我們統計人數! (每場限定約60人)
「未來短片影展」Future Shorts Festival源起於英國,自2003年創辦至今,是目前規模最大且即地播放的短片電影節。它打破了地域和傳統的播放界限,即地播放的影展模式,為世界各地的觀眾放映來自四面八方最優秀的電影短片,至今已超過三十個國家、六十的城市參與「未來短片影展」的播放,放映的地點含括電影院、劇場、美術館、咖啡廳…「未來短片影展」創造了全新影片體驗方式,讓「電影院」不僅僅是電影院,更是人們交流的社區。
此次insomnia cafe,是台灣唯一的放映站,放映的短片包括奧斯卡獲獎影片《愛神》,英國電影學院獎獲獎短片《The Eagleman Stag》,以及日舞電影節獲獎影片《深海人淺》等多部獲獎短片。
The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest pop up film festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short films from around the world. Anyone, anywhere can set up a screening and be part of a massive screening network and a powerful global community.
Future Shorts breaks boundaries, borders and conventions to connect a global audience to the world’s best short films. The creators of the acclaimed Secret Cinema, Future Shorts have redefined the way we experience film. The festival is a true celebration of cinema as a communicator and community.
《The Eagleman Stag》2010│08"55│動畫 Animation│Michael Please
Winner of Best Short Animation at BAFTA, and Special Jury Prize at SXSW.
The Eagleman Stag是一部9分鐘單格拍制的動畫電影,講述的是一個人對時光隧道的無限沉迷和與一隻甲殼蟲之間的關係。這部短片是導演Michael Please在RCA學習期間畢業影片,改編於他之前創作的故事《Peter Eagleman的一生時光》。值得一提的是,這部動畫的音樂運用了管弦樂融合動畫的製作方式。
The Eagleman Stag is a unique 9-minute stop-motion animated film which depicts a man’s haunting obsession with the passage of time and his unorthodox relationship with a beetle. Directed by Michael Please, the production was a highly ambition final year film for while studying at the RCA – it is based on a story he previously wrote entitled “The Life and Time of Peter Eagleman”. Orchestral music was integral to this film and composed in tandem with the animation process.
《God of love 愛神》 2010│18"38│喜劇 Comedy│Luke Matheny
Oscar Winner in 2011 for Live Action Short Film
Matheny, who wrote, directed and starred in this 19-minute inventive comedy about love-inducing darts won the Oscar for Best Live Action Short in 2011. A recent film student graduate at New York University, God of Love was produced as his thesis film project while enrolled at NYU’s MFA program. At the Oscars, he was hailed as one of the best acceptance speeches of the evening and thanked his mother for her contribution to the movie.
《 Deeper than yesterday 憂傷潛水艇》2010│19"52│劇情 Drama│Ariel Kleiman
Winner of International Short Filmmaking Award at Sundance. 日舞影展最佳國際短片製作獎
這部短片講述了一群深受幽居病折磨的俄國老兵的故事,它由導演Ariel Kleiman用35毫米膠片在一艘廢棄的軍用潛水艇上拍攝完成。Ariel Kleiman畢業于墨爾本大學維多利亞藝術學院,他在最近的採訪中說,“拍攝讓我感到的困難越大,影片就會越好。”評委會將這部短片和Maxim Gorky的低下層相比而言,形容兩者同是承載著長時間的隔離和瘋狂,非常俄羅斯。
Filmed on an old decommissioned military submarine with 35mm cameras, Deeper Than Yesterday tells the story of a Russian crew who suffer a rather savage form of cabin fever. Directed by Ariel Kleiman, a graduate of the VCA at the University of Melbourne, recently said “the more uncomfortable I feel making a film the better it will be.” Jurors have compared the film to “The Lower Depths,” Maxim Gorky’s best-known play – very Russian with long period of isolation and madness.
《Incident by a bank 銀行事件》2009│11"54│劇情 Drama│Ruben Östlund
Winner of the Golden Bear at Berlinale. 柏林銀熊獎
這部短片講述了一個失敗銀行劫匪的故事,細節幽默,改編於2006年發生在斯德哥爾摩的真實的故事,由100人一次拍攝完成。導演Ruben Östlund 試圖通過這部短片去提問:搶劫到底是如何真實發生?它們看起來又可能,或者應該是怎樣的?Östlund說,“《銀行事件》可以改變人們在好萊塢動作電影裏看到的搶劫行為的看法。”
A detailed and humorous account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where roughly 100 people meticulously recreate an actual event that took place in Stockholm in June 2006. Directed by Ruben Östlund, these events were witnessed first hand along with his producer Erik Hemmendorff while on the way to the Swedish Film Insititute. The film questions the reality of how, really, robberies happen, and what they might or, should, look like. “Making ‘Incident by a Bank’ is a way to correct the false images of robberies we see almost daily in action movies made in Hollywood,” says Östlund.
《Luminaris 光之夢》2011│06"17│動畫 Animation│Juan Pablo Zaramella
Winner of Audience Award at Annecy International Animation Festival 阿納西國際動畫節觀眾大獎
《燈具》靈感來自於阿根廷的器樂探戈“Lluvia de Estrellas” (Star Rain), 講述了一個人生活在由光控制的世界。他每天生活在自己虛幻的世界中,陽光像是另一個世界的能量,控制著他的生活作息和活動。
Inspired by the Argentinian instrumental tango piece entitled “Lluvia de Estrellas” (Star Rain), “Luminaris” tells the story of a man living in a world controlled and timed by light. Each day inhabitants of this fictional world awake and are pulled, as if by some otherworldly force, to their jobs by sunlight.
《The external world 外部世界》2010│16”56│動畫 Animation│David O'Reilly
Winner of Best Animation – Tampere Film Festival 芬蘭坦佩雷電影節最佳動畫片獎
A boy learns to play the piano in this rather dark but occasionally humorous mediation on the anxieties and fears of a modern civilized society. Created as a lo-fi animation, “The External World” is a surreal seventeen-minute collection of vignettes which borrows themes from pop culture, cinema and videogames – classic and contemporary.
協辦單位:Insomnia cafe 睡不著咖啡館