時間: 2013年8月23日(五) 20:00~21:00
地點:睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe 1樓 (台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號)
美國作曲家│克里斯‧蘭卡斯特 Chris Lancaster
克里斯‧蘭卡斯特,紐約電子大提琴音樂家。自小學習古典大提琴,並不斷思考大提琴可以變化的各種可能性。其專長於大提琴現場演奏下,配合多種聲音效果,使用不同擴音器與混音器材創造環繞式、電影及虛擬世界聲響的效果。創作表現涉足戲劇、舞蹈及電影配樂作曲等領域,並經常舉行個人演出。克里斯也曾擔任美國知名現代舞團Bill T Jones、以及里約Staccato現代舞團的音樂總監及作曲家。2010年,他更獲邀至美國甘迺迪中心為歐巴馬總統演奏作品。
Chris Lancaster is an electro-acoustic cellist composer living in Brooklyn, New York. He trained as a classical cellist, but endeavors to expand the ideas of what a cello can be, and what sounds it can create. His solo compositions are performed live using a wide array of effects, samplers and speaker sculptures to create, encompassing, cinematic and otherworldly sounds. Chris has been the music director and composer for the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane dance company and the Staccato Contemporary Dance Company in Rio di Janeiro. He recently had the privilege to perform his music for President Obama at the Kennedy Center Honors. In 2010 he and visual artist/choreographer Jason Akira Somma co-founded the BrainFactory, an ongoing experiment in collaboration, music, film, dance, and visual art. In his career as a scoremaker he has created over 60 dance works with choreographers including Larry Keigwin, Nicolas Leichter, Colleen Thomas, Paulo Caldas, Dwight Rhodan, Sean Curran, Tim Feldman, Marco Evaristi, Tatiana Baganova, and Gus Solomons Jr. In 2012 Lancaster performed his solo work at the Bentley Reserve in San Francisco, and as an invited artist to the Burning Man Arts Foundation Artuminal.
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主辦單位:舞蹈空間舞團 DANCE FORUM TAIPEI x 睡不著咖啡館 Insomnia Cafe