Hybridear N0.26 DIRRTY PARTY
2012.05.04 Fri. at Insomnia cafe(台北市大安區泰順街60巷8號)
GUEST--Dirrty (21:00~23:00pm)
1. Intro│Rockers
2. Reggae Music│Desmond Foster
3. We 'A' Rockers│Bythe Inner Circle
4. Welcome To Jamrock│Damian Jr Gong Marley
5. Zion’S Blood│Lee Perry
6. Jah No Dead│Sinead O'Connon
7. Horse Mouth No Akai Bike│Dogggy Style
8. Money Money│Horace Andy
9. Money Worries│Dogggy Style
10. Paranoid Android (Feat. Kirsty Rock)│Easy Star All Stars
11. Come As You Are│Little Roy
12. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Ft. Frankie Paul│Easy Star All Stars
13. Spirits In A Material World (Spirits In A Dubworld) Featuring Benjamin Zephaniah│Dubxanne
14. Money│Easy Star All Stars
15. On The Run (10 Ft. Ganja Plant Remix)│Easy Star All Stars
16. Pick N Mix│Adrian Sherman And Lee Scratch Perry
17. Cube Dub│Brain Damage
18. Wires And Watchtowers (Feat. Sista Pat)│Thievery Corporation
19. Happy Shopper│Audio Active
20. Under The Groundlive│Brain Damage
DJ Set--Yoshio(No.44 Lab) (23:00~00:00am)